Parents’ committee

Since 2005, the “childcare law (wet kinderopvang)” made a parents’ committee at every branch of the childcare organisation compulsory. The “childcare law” gives the parents’ committee the right to give an opinion on several topics. The opinion and advice of the parents’ committee is taken into account in the decision making process. Also within every BORUS branch a parents’ committee, in which several parents are seated, has been appointed.


The aim of the parents’ committee is to promote the interests of the children and the parents as well as possible. The parents’ committee represents the parents and can advise the management of BORUS on its policy on behalf of the parents.


The parents’ committee acts as the contact person between the parents and the management of BORUS. In this way, advices are formally submitted and dealt with. However, the parents’ committee is not a complaints committee. For individual complaints the complaints procedure must be followed. You can contact the BORUS branch/ office that is involved.


Contact with parents’ committee


For the contact details of members of the parents’ committee you can contact the secretariat of BORUS.


Telephone: 0297-522182,


Need advice?

BORUS is happy to help you make the right choice and give you appropriate advice. Call us at: 0297 522 182